South West Community Benefit Fund: Sydenham Improvement Group
About this project
The aim of the Sydenham Improvement Group is to improve the lives of those living in the Sydenham area to create a better informed and cohesive community.
The organisation works for the benefit of the local community to encourage and engage everyone to bring about community improvements including the green spaces.
Covid-19 disrupted the normal actives of the group, including social events such as barbeques, organised dog walks, teddy bears picnic, coffee mornings, tabletop sales, craft fairs and Christmas events.
The activities centred on improvements to green spaces in the area are important to the group and the local community. These activities have been able to continue despite the pandemic to benefit everyone in the area.
Request for funding
The grant was intended for the improvement of an area of land on the Sydenham estate that has been described as an eyesore. As a major part of the improvements the group would like to fund a mural to bring a visible enhancement to the green area that the group are seeking to refurbish and will improve the environment for all who live in the area.
Residents have expressed concerns about the area, which can have a profound effect on people’s mental health. It also can attract anti-social behaviour such as fly tipping. A local artist has created the mural and residents have been able to input into this project.
Meeting the aims of the fund
The areas around Sydenham and Bridgwater are among the 10% most deprived in the country. The area in question for improvement is situated near to a very well used footpath leading to the college entrance, rugby ground and larger amenity nature/dog walking area.
The mural will benefit a significant number of people on the estate and encourage involvement.
The purpose of the fund
SWPA work with our members and South West Community Matters to distribute grants of up to £1,000 to local projects and causes. The overall aim of the programme is to increase community facilities and community benefits particularly for those most in need, in local communities.
The focus will be on activities that enable people from diverse backgrounds to become engaged in their neighbourhoods and communities and to support those organisations that are bringing about real change to the lives of the people who live in those communities.