Whole House Refurbishment DPS

SWPA's OJEU compliant Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) is an open market solution designed to provide buyers with access to a pool of pre-qualified suppliers in respect of building works, goods and services for use in public sector refurbishment and maintenance.

The duration of the DPS is for four years with option to extend for an additional four years, up to a maximum of eight years.

Procurement guide - PDF

Benefits of using our DPS

Time saving


Quality and value


Local delivery

Section 20 consultation

  • Time saving - Quick and easy access to approved suppliers
  • Compliance - Confidence that you have access to pre-qualified trades with the right qualifications, experience and financial standing to deliver your project
  • Quality and value - Only suppliers who offer quality and value are pre-qualified
  • Choice - Access to a wide number of pre-qualified suppliers
  • Local delivery - Offers the opportunity to engage with local suppliers supporting the wider Government aim of working with local businesses for economic growth
  • Section 20 consultation - Our DPS makes it easier for clients to comply with leaseholder consultations by allowing leaseholder nominated trades with an opportunity to apply to join the DPS and if successful an opportunity to bid for work

Project Value Bands

The DPS will generally apply to minor building works projects valued up to £500k per project.

Five categories of works:

  • Kitchens and bathrooms and associated works
  • Landscaping
  • Electrical works
  • Painting and decoration
  • Multi-disciplinary (Installation of whole house internal and external works as defined in, but not limited to, the above categories of work).

How does a DPS differ from a Framework?


  • Maximum duration of 4 years
  • Direct award permissible
  • Fixed list of suppliers
  • Call-off documents have to be in line with what was structured when establishing the framework
  • Typically harder for small medium enterprises to access
  • Finite number of suppliers


  • No maximum time limit
  • No direct award (further competition only)
  • Flexible - suppliers can join during the lifetime of the DPS
  • Allows Clients to use their own T&Cs, pricing and specification   
  • Increased accessibility for small medium enterprises
  • No maximum number of suppliers

The process of using our DPS

View PDF



How can suppliers apply?

A guide to completing your DPS application

Apply on InTend

The process of bidding for work from SWPA Clients

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